英文tenses,,grammer !!!

2006-12-28 3:21 am
1.通常見到咩字會知佢係用過去式??(例如yesterday,last year.....)可唔可以列多d比我!!
2. english ______(be)not difficult to learn. 唔識!
3.every day 係點轉?
4.D:What were you doing at2:00PM yesterday?
T:I ____ (help) my brother with his homework.
D:____ you____(go) out in the evening?
T:NO,I ___(stay) at home and ___(play) computer game.
5:C: why _____MISS Fung ______(punish) Ken and Sue this morning?
S:Because they ______(talk) when Miss Fung Came into the classroom.

回答 (3)

2006-12-28 2:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Basically, you can use any time period within which the action was completed, last Friday/Monday/any day in the week; any past year/time/date; last summer/Christmas/New years eve etc., (the rule is the action has to be completed)

2. You can say I used to do that every day.

3. I was helping (past continuous tense) my brother with his homework. (you were helping your brother with his homework at 2: pm but the action was not completed at 2 as you continue to help him after 2.

4. There are 3 ways to do this sentence, each varies in meaning slightly
a. Are you going out in the evening? (implies the speaker wants to know if you have arranged to go out)
b. Are you going to go out in the evening? (the speaker wants to know if you have planned to go out)
c. Willl you go out in the evening? (the speaker is interested to know if the person is definately going out)

5. There are also 3 answers to this sentence:
a. I am staying at home and playing computer games.(arranged)
b. I am going to stay at home and play computer games. (planned)
c. I will stay at home and play computer games.(definate)

6. Why did Miss Fung punished Ken and Sue this morning? (completed action in a past time period)

7. Because they were talking (past continuous) when Miss Fung came into the classroom. (they were in the process of talking when Miss Fung came)
參考: myself
2006-12-28 3:43 am
1.last month,two days ago,last week,two weeks ago,two months ago,two years ago
2006-12-28 3:33 am
have go
stayed played
did punish
were talking

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