
2006-12-28 3:00 am
我想可以喺坐緊車呀,喺自己房度呀,都可以無線link住咁睇免費電視.叧外,請問我仲要唔要join D咩service plan呢? 我想係portable的,不是座枱的,方便擕帶!請問大約幾錢呢?

回答 (1)

2006-12-28 9:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You can purchase a protable TV . The screen size also 3"-5" or more and it can used dual power supply (battery or AC adpator) I think not to joint any service plan . The price around $300-800 depend on your request . More AV shop you can find .

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