Verb to be幾時用(快come)

2006-12-27 11:56 pm
Verb to be幾時用我唔知? to be同樣 有時會用been究竟點解?


回答 (3)

2006-12-28 2:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
佢既意思唔係話幾時要做to be
verb to be成個係一個詞匯黎既

be多數係'是'既意思.. 可以有好多變化

現在式simple present tense
I am a boy. 我是一個男孩
You are a girl. 你是一個女生
He/She is happy.
We/They are friends.
It is a dog.

過去式simple past tense
There was a building ten years ago. 十年前,那裡曾經有有一幢建築物
Tony and I were friends. 我同tony係朋友. (意指而家唔係)

been就係用係現在完成式present perfect tense
而present perfect tense係用係一d以前做落又同現在有關既事
He has been very naughty since he was 3.
There have been the building for 10 years.

has或是have係伊度只係助動詞, 表示present perfect tense
been係度先係主動詞.. been係be現在完成式既時態
參考: 自己
2006-12-28 1:31 am
以我所知..verb to be係點樣用to



要果d:: want, decide

唔駛: help
參考: myself
2006-12-28 12:17 am
When there is have , since, or the time that is not clearly for example: before, recently.

2007-01-01 14:26:16 補充:
The present simple is usually used for general actions or things that happen repeatedly.The past simple tense is usually used for completed actions.The present perfect tense is usually used for actions that are still continuing or still have an effect.
參考: myself

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