
2006-12-27 11:28 pm
我鍾了一个tb,she and a 拍左又分左,a now好憎she,有一日,she know i love her then she tell her fds,2-3week later,she told me i won't love u,then 2day,i said i sick in my xanga,she leave comment to me ,r u all right?take care, she did not leave comment to other people甚至best fd都5leave comment,,in her xanga,she won't leave comment to herself to RE// other people

wt should i do?

回答 (3)

2006-12-27 11:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
just for friends la, u don't need to do anything ga wo, just tell u friends how u feel and let u friends tell the tb la
2006-12-28 10:21 am
不如你send呢個問題的link俾佢叫佢答la...佢答左你就知wt should you do la...
參考: just a gag
2006-12-28 6:46 am
try your best ~ now you need to wait ~ or not the girl may hate you . . . . that will make it worse than be4

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