Please help

2006-12-27 10:39 am
My gf last period was Nov 9, 2006. I have made love with her on 11/15/06 without condom. Is that safe?

回答 (5)

2006-12-27 10:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
計算安全期及體外射精都是不安全的避孕方法, 尤其少女的經期不穩定, 因此要安全的, 可以用以下方法避孕!
適合男士的避孕措施: 輸精管結紮手術, 避孕套
適合女士的避孕措施: 注射劑避孕法, 緊急避孕方法, 女性避孕套, 避孕泡丸, 植入式避孕法, 避孕棉, 子宮帽, 口服避孕丸, 輸卵管結紮手術
男女均可: 控制性慾, 殺精劑
順帶一提, 若然你指的安全, 不是避孕的問題, 而是性病的問題, 那麼方法將大幅減少至2個: 使用避孕套, 兩者都長期維持單一性伴侶!
2006-12-29 1:37 am
Dear Friend,

The date of the last day of your GF's period is 9/11/2006, while you made love with her on 15/11/2006. That is a full week in between. For sure it is not safe. But it is not THAT bad also. For your sperms can servive for four days in your GF's vagina (generally speaking). By simple arithmetic, there should be a lapse of two or three more days before her ovulation. Your sperms could not servive that long???

Sex safe. The adverse impact of your ( and her ) worries will be breach the joy of your sex life. So be considerate to her.

Best wishes.

2006-12-27 4:43 pm
If u make love with her without condom, it is not safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-12-27 10:57 am
unless she ate contraceptive pill,or did other contraceptive method
2006-12-27 10:43 am
WITHOUT Condom sure wont be safe!
有 condom 都唔係百分百安全啦, 更何況無?

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