英文文法問題....have had. 搵人幫下我ar~

2006-12-27 7:59 am
句子寫: you might have had the experience of.......
咁咪有2個verb lor~!?
如果寫you might have the experience of....唔得咩....?
請有心人解答..十萬個thx =]

回答 (2)

2006-12-27 8:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案

第一, 一句句字可能有好多verb.. 不過只係得一個main verb(主動詞)
e.g. I eat an apple.
(伊句得一個動詞eat, eat亦都係伊句既主動詞)
e.g. I want to eat an apple.
(伊句有兩個動詞want, eat, want係伊句既主動詞,所以eat要變做to-infinitive, 即係to eat)
e.g. I like eating.
(伊句有兩個動詞like, eat, want係伊句既主動詞,所以eat要變做gerund, 即係eating)

而你個例子中.. 其實係有兩組,三個動詞
might, 同埋 have had
might係modal verb情態動詞, 其他例子包括can, may, will, must, should
佢後面一定要跟主動詞... 唔可以就咁用

所以have had先係一組主動詞
而have係伊度係冇意思.. 只係一個助動詞, 表示perfect tense
e.g. I have eaten an apple. (have係度係冇意思, 只係助動詞,表示係present perfect tense; 而eaten先有意思, 所以eaten係主動詞)
I have had lunch. (第一個have係助動詞, had先係主動詞)

又好似係continuous tense, be就係助動詞, 用黎表示continuous tense
e.g. I am running. (am係度冇意思, 係助動詞, running先係主動詞)

might have 同might have had又有咩分別呢?
might have 係用係現在時態既
順帶一提, might係伊度唔代表過去式.. 只係表示可能性高過may少少

所以如果要表達過去式既野.. 改唔到might, 就要變後面

might have had可以表達過去式past tense..
亦可以表達現在完成式present prefect tense

you might have had the experience of.......
係表示過去, 或者剛剛發生既野..
所以唔可以就咁用might have

希望打得唔會太深, 可以幫到你~

2006-12-28 00:58:39 補充:
might係modal verb情態動詞, 其他例子包括can, may, will, must, should佢後面一定要跟主動詞... 唔可以就咁用除左係答問題時e.g. Can you swim?Yes, I can.
參考: 自己 + The Grammar Book
2006-12-27 8:21 am
1. "have had" indicates things completed in the past.
2. "might" here indicates the hearer (i.e. "you" in the sentence) may probably have such experience.
3.literal translation of "might have had" can be:
4. "you might have" fails to indicate the experience completed in the past time line. (Note: the focus here is "Completed")
參考: My Knowledge as a Language Student

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