Binomial Theorem (urgent)

2006-12-27 7:27 am
Find the coefficient of x^7in the expansion of (1+x)^7(1+x)^8.

ANS. 係35 and 請列式.....



回答 (3)

2006-12-27 7:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
=( Σ7Cr*x^r)( Σ8Cs*x^s)
The general term of r+s
let r+s=7
the possibile answers are
the coefficient of x^7
2006-12-27 7:49 am
we are looking for x^7, so, which are
component in
(1+x)^7| (1+x)^8 | coefficient
x^7 | 1 | 1
7x^6 | 8x | 56
7C2x^5| 8C2x^2| 7C2 x 8C2
7C3x^4| 8C3x^3| 7C3 x 8C3
7C4x^3| 8C4x^4| 7C4 x 8C4
7C5x^2| 8C5x^5| 7C5 x 8C5
7C6x^1| 8C6x^6| 7C6 x 8C6
7C7=1 | 8C7x^7| 1*8

sum of last column is the answer
2006-12-27 7:39 am
we are looking for x^7, so, which are
component in
(1+x)^7| (1+x)^8 | coefficient
x^7 | 1 | 1
7x^6 | 8x | 56
7C2x^5| 8C2x^2| 7C2 x 8C2
7C3x^4| 8C3x^3| 7C3 x 8C3
7C4x^3| 8C4x^4| 7C4 x 8C4
7C5x^2| 8C5x^5| 7C5 x 8C5
7C6x^1| 8C6x^6| 7C6 x 8C6
7C7=1 | 8C7x^7| 1*8

sum of last column is the answer

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