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即係用於to之後, present tense
亦可以用於will be, would be, can be, could be, should be, may be, might be, to be
been係past participle
即係用於have/has/had之後, perfect tense
當講緊兩件過去左的事, 一件先, 一件後
講先果件事就要用perfect tense, 後果件事就要用past tense
2006-12-26 23:35:24 補充:
prefect tense有分present perfect tense同past perfect tensepast先係好似以上講咁用e.g. I had arrived when he came.(即係佢黎之前我已經到左)而present就係當你完成左果件事ge事侯用e.g. I have finished my lunch.