作文 : "My favourite place" (約90字)

2006-12-27 6:47 am
作文 : "My favourite place"

要求:簡單易明, 中一至中二程度, 約90字 "place"限於香港


回答 (2)

2006-12-27 6:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My favorite place is HK(Hong Kong).I love HK beacause HK has beautiful places to go.And my favorite place is the mall.I love t go to shopping with my friends and i like to go to my friend's house.Because sometimes i have to work as a team to finish a project.HK is a good place to go for a field trip and i live in HK.And i love to go to my favorite place with my family.I would like to go to the street and hang around there.Time past fast when i hang in the street.Sometimes i like to buy lots of stuff when i hang around.Hong Kong is a very good place!
2006-12-30 12:07 am
My favourite place is Australia. I'd only been to there once but that already make me obsess with it. I can't wait for another trip to there. Australia is a great comntry with different creatures that couldn't be find in any other country. Such as a kangaroo, koala, echidna or emu. It is especially interesting for people who are interested in wild life and I am certainly one of them. Food in Australia are also fantastic. It make me famish when i see them! Especially those hamburgers and chips, there are so tasty! I can't wait for another trip there!
參考: myself

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