翻譯句子become 中文

2006-12-27 6:43 am
Yeah I love ur background? It's Jesse! That used to be my desktop background,
only a bigger 1 and I took off the bit where it says a name of a site.
I got it too from that site - avexnet something.
I didn't understand what it says but I accidentally clicked on the wallpapers.
What language is that anyway?

回答 (1)

2006-12-27 7:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yeah 我中意你個背景! 係Jesse!! 我都曾經用過黎做背景.. 只係大少少同埋我整走左個網站個名
我都係係個個網站搵到.. 好似叫avexnet..

口語化左少少.. 希望你滿意
參考: 自己

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