
2006-12-27 4:09 am


回答 (3)

2006-12-28 7:46 am
✔ 最佳答案


Sweet Apple Pie
Ingredients :
1/2 pack of frozen shortcrust pastry
2-3 Apples
1/2 cup of sugar 1 Egg 4 oz butter
Method : (1) Sprinkle some flour or place a piece of cling wrap on the table. Roll pastry into thin piece. Then divide into several equal pieces.
(2) Peel & decore apple. Soak in light salt water. Take out & soak dry. Cut into thin pieces.
(3) Arrange a few pieces of apple in each small baking tray. Add in 2 tbsp sugar & 1 tbsp butter. Bake over 200oC for 5-7 mins till done & golden brown. Take outo and cover with another piece of pastry. Brush some beaten egg on & bake over 190oC for l5-20 mins till done. Transfer onto another plate upside down. May serve with ice-cream ball.
2006-12-27 4:13 am


用具: 烤箱

材料:﹝1 個份﹞

‧ 急凍酥皮 1 片 (百佳or惠康都有)

‧ 蘋果 半個

‧ 牛油 適量

‧ 玉桂粉 少許 (百佳or惠康都有)

‧ 檸檬汁 少許

‧ 細砂糖 1/2 茶匙



﹝1﹞ 烤箱預熱至180度,烤盤預先塗上牛油。

﹝2﹞ 急凍酥皮解凍後切至圓形,然後用叉子在酥皮上拮出數個小孔,再平均地灑上一半份量的砂糖。

﹝3﹞ 將蘋果洗淨去皮,將半個蘋果切成十二片的扇形。

﹝4﹞ 將蘋果整齊的放在酥皮上,然後再灑上另一半份量的砂糖及少許玉桂粉。

﹝5﹞ 放入烤箱烘烤 10 ~ 15 分鐘後取出,食用前再加上一片較厚的牛油及灑上少許玉桂粉於牛油上作裝飾。 即成。



○ 蘋果塗上檸檬汁是以防蘋果變色。

○ 若果沒有玉桂粉,不加亦無妨
2006-12-27 4:13 am
apple pie

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