selling of iPod

2006-12-27 3:52 am
can i still buy iPod mini now?
if not, is iPod Nano and iPod Video the only 2 choices i have in shops now?

re craZykururu*3* actually i know about iPod shuffle. but i didn't like it cus i can't choose the songs. thanks anyways.


re norikayan thanks. i actually know about the different colours and storage... don't pick on my words = = btw, do they still sell the first version of iPod Nano? like the surface of it is 反光 and there are only black n white?

回答 (2)

2007-01-01 3:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
依家應該無得買ipod mini架啦
因為我印象中ipod mini好似自ipod nano推出左無幾奈就停止生產,
可能e-bay / yahoo!拍賣 /小部份專業小型電器鋪都仲有得買既

除左 iPod Nano and iPod Video ,
ipod 仲出左ipod Shuffle啦!
都ok 抵而且襟跌
公價好似1G $650!

iPod shuffle資料 :
HK$ 550 /HK$ 650(唔sure)
12-hour rechargeable battery
22 grams
0.8 cm thin
Built-in USB connector
Apple earphones
512mb or1GB

2006-12-31 19:26:08 補充:呢個係iPod shuffle既圖片
2007-01-03 10:39 pm
Actually, there are not only 2 choices in shop; ipod nano have different colour and different version you can choose. From 2G to 8G.., some of them are limited version in the Ipod Video only have black and white are available , but still have limited version you can buy in shop.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 13:03:43
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