Math question

2006-12-27 3:38 am
The lengths of the sides of three triangular tables are given as follows:the first one is 11,12 and 13 : the second is 6,7and 8;while the third is 5,12and 13.which one can fit in with the corner of two perpendicular walls?

回答 (2)

2006-12-27 3:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
it should be
the triangle with length 5,12and 13
it satisfy Pythagorean theorem
However, the other two does not satisfy Pythagorean theorem

2006-12-26 19:44:36 補充:
2006-12-27 3:46 am
THE THIRD ONE can fit in with the corner of two perpendicular walls.
By,(if one of the angle=90 degree)
(5^2+12^2) ----->整個開方

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