apprasial questions..... 請幫忙翻譯中文

2006-12-27 1:02 am
1. What are your major acomplishments you have made during the reiew period?
2. List any difficulties you have in carrying out your work. Were there any obstacles outside your own ontrol which prevented you from performing effectively?
3. What parts of your job, do you have fail to enjoy?
5. What would you have liked to have done in this year, but were unable to? Why?

回答 (1)

2006-12-27 1:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 什麼是在reiew期間,您取得了的您的主要成就?
2. 列出您有在執行您的工作的所有困難。 有沒有任何障礙外部防止您有效執行的您自己的ontrol ?
3. 什麼分開您的工作, 您是否有出故障享用?
5. 什麼您在今年希望做了, 但無法? 為什麼?

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