
2006-12-26 11:48 pm

回答 (4)

2006-12-26 11:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
英文:There are flow materials about the cities of civilization (there must be Hong Kong ) from all parts of the world, if the speed that citizens walk, the traffic light changes the speed. Leave the speed on the lift , the bus average speed in the city, so long as the materials that have about comparing with different countries or the city,
Very suitable too
日文:世界各地の文明的な都市(是非ホンコンがあらなければならない)の移動の資料についてある もし市民は速度が歩くなら,交通信号燈は速度を変えます。 都市のなかのバスの平均速度,違う国家とまたは都市は比較することについての資料があるさえすれば,エレベ-タ-のは落ちる速度に行きます
2006-12-26 11:59 pm
I want to know the mobility of countries all over the world ( HK must be included) such as, walking pace of citizens, turning frequency of traffic lights, the speed of lifts going up nad down and the average speed of public transportation.
Any information that included the comparing of different countries is suitabe.
Thank you.
2006-12-26 11:56 pm
Regarding the rhythm in major cities across the globe (including Hong Kong), e.g. walking speed of civilians, traffic light changing rate, speed of elevator ascendance and decendance, average speed of public transportation; only data regarding various countries and cities required as they are used in comparisons.
Thank you.
2006-12-26 11:50 pm
Asked concerns (certainly must have Hong Kong) to the world each place
cultured and civilized city mobile material, like the resident walks
the speed, the traffic light transforms the speed Elevator rise and
fall speed, in city bus average velocity, so long as is concerns to
with different national or the city comparison material,
alsoextremely suitablly

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