
2006-12-26 8:22 pm
1)革命尚未成功,同志仍須努力... 的英文?
3)每個英雄未成名前也是一個普通人... 的英文?



我的q2 是問 孫中山經過多少次革命才成功? 並非問英文的翻譯.thanks ^0^

回答 (3)

2006-12-26 10:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) The Revolution has not yet succeeded. Comrades, you must carry on!
(在 thinkexist.com 找到的名人名言翻譯)

2) In which uprising did Sun Yat-Sen's supporters successfully bring the Qing Dynasty to an end? How many uprisings had been held before they succeecded?
(以上翻譯分成兩個問題, 略為修改了你的原意, 是因為嚴格來說, 孫中山並不是個十分成功的革命者, 他親自領導的多次革命行動都是失敗的, 不但沒有動搖滿清的根基, 反而革命黨人則死傷慘重, 如黃花岡之役, 後人是記念他們的壯烈犧牲, 而不是成功地以血換取勝利. 反而, 在他身在國外時, 辛亥革命卻在偶然的情況下, 其他革命黨人被迫提早發難, 並取得意外收穫!)

3) Were heroes born to be heroes, or had been just ordinary people (like you and I)?

2006-12-26 15:04:31 補充:
The official history of the .... China.. emphasizes Sun's role as the first provisional President, but ...

2006-12-26 15:04:42 補充:
many historians now question the importance of Sun's role in the 1911 revolution and point out that he had no direct role in the Wuchang uprising and was in fact out of the country at the time.(http://experts.about.com/e/s/su/sun_yat-sen.htm)

2006-12-26 15:15:03 補充:
廣州起義 (1895), 惠州起義, 潮州黃岡起義, 七女湖起義, 安慶起義, 防城起義, 鎮南關起義 (1907) 欽州、廉州起義, 河口起義 (1908), 廣州新軍起義 (1910), 黃花崗起義 (1911)

2006-12-26 15:15:38 補充:
詳情: http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7006112605419

2006-12-26 15:20:47 補充:
that means 12 times, if you include the Wuchang uprising

2006-12-28 22:46:47 補充:
the third one has some mistakes actually, but thanks anyway
2006-12-26 10:39 pm
1) Strive on comrades, for the revolution is not yet complete!

2) After how many uprisings did Sun Yat-sen succeed?

3) Every hero starts off as an ordinary person
參考: 自己
2006-12-26 9:41 pm
1)The revolution has not succeeded yet, the comrade must continue to make efforts?
2)How much uprising does Sun Yat-sen pass successful ?
3)Is each hero an ordinary person too before becoming famous ?

參考: 不知對不對?Sorry ! Sorry ! Sorry ! Sorry ! Sorry ! Sorry !

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