f.3 maths.{urgent}

2006-12-26 7:29 pm
find the distance between the origin and the point (0,-5)

回答 (5)

2006-12-26 7:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
5 units
(0, -5)呢個point lie on x-axis
所以就咁睇個 y-coordinate就得喇
答案就係5 units

2006-12-26 11:34:52 補充:
2006-12-26 7:49 pm
origin point即(0,0 )
2006-12-26 7:38 pm
你首先睇下個坐標 (x,y) 所以 x=0 , y=-5
你個坐標係y-axis 上面所以唔使計,由origin 數所以係 5units
2006-12-26 7:34 pm
無需計算,看(0, -5)這個位置便知道距離origin是5
2006-12-26 7:32 pm
the anwer is -5

2006-12-26 11:36:16 補充:
sorry , 修正係 5 ,由 (0,0)到(0,-5),距離是係5。
參考: me

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