為什麼是a specified number of points不是are specified number .....

2006-12-26 4:22 pm
When a specified number of points have been recorded......

個points字係明明有s,為什麼不是用(are) specified number of points而用 (a) specified number of points呢???


回答 (2)

2006-12-26 4:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1. When 之後係唔會用到 are
2. a specified / 一個指定的 (同之後冇relation)
3. number of points (其實佢用number意味著會有幾個points, 如果得一個point 佢唔會用number的)

Hope solved yu question.
2006-12-29 8:37 pm
When (noun) (verb) ...

noun = a specified number of points
verb = have been recorded

句子沒有甚麼問題。這句中的when是個連接詞(conjunction),而非問題代詞(interrogative pronoun)。

When I come to school tomorrow, I will bring you a present.
When I lived in Hong Kong, I went to Tsim Sha Tsui often.

I am leaving at 8pm. When are you leaving?
John came to work at 10 this morning. When did Jane come to work?

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