我想買蜜糖..?( 沖水飲..潤喉.. )..要正貨..!

2006-12-26 3:44 pm
我想買蜜糖..?( 沖水飲..潤喉.. )



回答 (4)

2006-12-26 4:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
蜜糖有好多營養架, 而潤喉只係其中一個功效黎o者! 而其中又分a級蜜同b級蜜, 而a級蜜呢, 就將蜜糖既所有營養隔除左, 得個甜字, 飲左係會潤喉, 但亦都會增磅, 而b級蜜就保留返蜜糖本身既養份囉!

我都有飲蜜糖架, 不過, 我只係會去forever買佢地既永恆蜂蜜, 呢間係一間正當既傳銷公司黎既, 公司不賣廣告, 只靠由會員既口碑, 而且做會員唔收任何費用之餘, 仲即時有七折添! 若然你想買永恆既蜂蜜, 如果你係會員, 只係要125蚊咋, 就算係非會員價錢, 都係$179.
健康係無價既, 如果你買一d劣質既貨, 得唔到功效之餘, 就算平到十蚊亦都嘥錢啦!
參考: 我
2006-12-26 5:55 pm
價錢平 40-50元

其他國家的 價錢和品質不相稱
2006-12-26 5:14 pm
參考: me
2006-12-26 4:44 pm
Buy Manuka Honey from New Zealand at Welcome or Citysuper.

Active Manuka Honey is effective in killing the Helicobacter pylori bug, which is present in stomach ulcers, and is effective in treating cuts, burns, wounds, acne, abscesses, cracked skin, sore gums, sore throats, colds, indigestion, eye infections and even Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

2006-12-28 18:36:14 補充:
Waitemata Manuka Honey (New Zealand) $90.00, 500 gramsInfo from Consumer Council, 5 stars (I am 選摘停閱者)Have been to my area's Welcome, could not find Manuka Honey, will give you more info if I go to citysuper.

2006-12-28 22:47:45 補充:
Found Manuka (New Zealand) in WingOn Plus (Yaumatei) supermarket$75.90 and $90.00There is another part of the supermarket selling on New Zealand honey with a lady standing there to explain, but they are more expensive $120 to $200 or more.

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