Grammer and the Present Perfect?

2006-12-25 9:30 pm
I am stuck with the following question:
Fill in with the right form of the verb in brackets:
We _____________ (work) hard at school recently, so we _____________ (do well) in the class test.
Can you please give me the correct form of the two verbs?

回答 (7)

2006-12-25 9:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案

We HAVE WORKED hard at school recently, so we HAVE DONE WELL in the class test.
2006-12-26 7:27 am
We worked hard at school recently, so we did well in the class test.
We worked hard at school recently, so we have done well in the class test.

You use the past tense when something is OVER.

We worked hard RECENTLY. This is over!

so we did well in the class test (the test is over, we know all the results, maybe you told us WHEN it was)

so we have done well in the class test (as you can see on the paper we have in our hands; this is result-oriented, we are still cheering)

The present perfect is used for an action or period of time that started in the past but has gone on UNTIL NOW.

Shakespeare never saw a whale (it is over), but
I have never seen a whale (maybe I will in the future)

I have told you the main rule, and
You are welcome.

By the way: it is grammar (watch the spelling)
2006-12-26 7:06 am
Have worked - present perfect
Did well - past


Had worked - past perfect
Have done well - present perfect.

Both could also be in the past (worked hard; did well), but from your question it seems you needed one verb in the present perfect.
2006-12-26 5:40 am
We've been working hard at school recently, so we will do well in the class test.


We worked hard at school recently, so we did well in the class test.

Both are correct but they have different meanings. You need to use the most logical one based on the context that you did not provide in your question.
2006-12-26 5:45 am
did well
2006-12-26 5:38 am
did well
there u go
2006-12-26 9:17 am
have been working
did well

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