
2006-12-26 6:44 am
應每科做幾多past paper?太多年我又搵唔到!>

回答 (2)

2006-12-26 6:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
我諗主要溫Phy Chem Bio
CIT靠common sense,要執生
五至十年 past paper 夠架啦
2006-12-26 6:57 am
u should invite a teacher into your home and teach u!!!

物理=自然科學中抽象而普遍的原理so u can go to some country park .

will your mum or dad 溫會考 with u???

yes:if u have propome , u can ask them

no:u can play some CDS,then溫 會考~~~if u 溫會考1~2hours, u can watch some TV or see some GREEN trees.

~~~~i hope u can pass in 會考~~~~
~~~~i hope u can pass in 會考~~~~
~~~~i hope u can pass in 會考~~~~
~~~~i hope u can pass in 會考~~~~
~~~~i hope u can pass in 會考~~~~

$$$$ BELIVE ME $$$$
$$$$ BELIVE ME $$$$
參考: me

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