幾條關於heat ge問題,,,希望各位解答

2006-12-26 5:52 am
1.Why the internal energy of a substance is affected by the material from which it is made?

2.After adding some impurities, the specific heat capacity of that substance will be higher or lower? Plaese explain.

3.The specific heat capacity of ice is lower than water, why?

please 解答><~就快考試~

回答 (2)

2006-12-26 8:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1)Internal energy is the sum of kinetic energy of molecules due to random motion and potential energy of molecules in a system.In this question,kinetic energy is not the main factor since it is affected by temperature.In different materials,the potential energy is different as there structure and also there distance between each molecules.So,internal energy of a substance is affected by the material from which it is made.

2)After adding some impurities, the specific heat capacity of that substance will be higher or lower? Please explain.

The heat capacity will be higher since there is no negative value of specific capacity and also,it always be a constant of each substance.

3).The specific heat capacity of ice is lower than water, why?
Since the water is liquid while the ice is solid.The transformation of heat in ice is such better than water as the molecules in ice is packed uniformly.It needs lower amount of energy for ice than water.So,the specific heat capacity of ice is much lower than water.
參考: by eason mensa
2006-12-26 7:07 am
internal energy= K.E+P.E
如果物件既K.E變,internal energy都會隨之而改變,K.E越大溫度越大,當粒子absorb 到K.E既時間就會向上/下移導致=>P.E增加,P.E增加代表了形態轉換
2.HIGHER,因為任何物質都會有固定的 specific heat capacity ,落左之後,mixture既 specific heat capacity 就會增加
3.因為 specific heat capacity 係同state有關
water(s) P.E

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