Investec GSF Global Energy Fund

2006-12-26 5:25 am
I want to buy a fund for short term investment, say, 1 year. Is Investec GSF Global Energy Fund good?

回答 (2)

2006-12-30 11:48 am
✔ 最佳答案

Investec / 天達 比較多人知的是這一隻基金:

Um,其實你自已想每年賺幾多 % 呢?

題外話,我公司 1 月中會有個公開的投資講座,請了天達資產管理 (Investec Asset Management) & 寶源投資管理 (Schroders Investment Management) 2 間 Fund House 的人黎講座到講野,內容分為 3 方面:
a. 07 年第一季投資攻略
b. 環球經濟及市場前景分析
c. 亞太及大中華區的投資機會

當然,佢地都會介紹自家的基金的。或者我可以幫你問問呢隻 Investec GSF Global Energy Fund 投資 1 年會怎樣,有沒有前景,好不好,有沒有其他選擇等等~~
2006-12-26 5:11 pm
If you can only invest for 1 year, don't invest in high risk funds like Investec Global Energy. It's because 1 year is too short to cover the whole economic cycle, and if unfortunately during the 1 year of your investment, the bear market started, you don't have enough time to wait for your investment to recover for it.
Normally I won't recommend anyone to invest in funds if their horizon is 1 year only, but if you really want to, and you can accept the risk, I would suggest you invest in a balanced fund, such as BlackRock Merrill Lynch Global Allocation. The average annualized return for the past 3 years is 13.12% p.a., and the risk is much lower.
If you want much higher return, you would need to take much higher risk. And this is not investment, it is speculation.
參考: 基金投資論壇:

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