英文句型一問 - modal verb + present perfect tense

2006-12-26 4:07 am
Anybody could have said that.

我想問當中could have said意思是甚麼?

在一個modal verb 後面加present perfect tense...這代表甚麼?


回答 (3)

2006-12-27 3:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
「could have」通常是用來表示以前的可能性,並且暗示所說的那件事並沒有發生。

例如: I could have passed the exam, if I had studied harder.

這個「could have」,與「would have」及「should have」一樣,都暗示了所說的事並沒有發生。

「could have」與「would have」的分別在於「would have」所表示的可能性頗高,而「could have」所指的只是其中一個可能性。而「should have」則是指應做的事沒做,帶有後悔含義。例如:

A: I forgot to buy a Mark Six ticket yesterday. How much was the jackpot?
B: You could have won 10 million dollars.
A: I should have asked you earlier. I would have bought it if I had knew the jackpot was so big.

因此,「Anybody could have said that」是說「當時任何人都可以說了那些話」

「could have」,「would have」,及「should have」的詳細解說請看 BBC 的 Ask About English:

2006-12-27 10:21 am
Very clear, very detials!!!
2006-12-26 4:41 am
當中could have said意思係"可以告訴"...

呢句既modal verb係"could"

present perfect tense係"have said"

一個modal verb----------can,could

+一個present perfect tense------------has/have+pp



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