我想要一份about:{My favourite Festival is Christmas}的文章,Thanks!

2006-12-26 3:44 am
我要的文章要about:{My favourite Festival is Christmas},


回答 (2)

2006-12-26 11:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
I wont compose the article for you and i really encourage you to do it yourself as you can learn from it

I can only give you some guildlines and useful vocabulary:

1st paragraph: why Christmas is your favourite festival

2nd paragraph: what features does Christmas have and what do you like to do in Christmas

3rd paragraph: a little summary and encourage people to enjoy Christmas

Useful vocabulary:
impressed, surprised, delighted, tremendous, fantastic, Santa Claus, manger ....

Hope these can help and enjoy your 'favourite' festival-- Christmas
God bless you
2006-12-26 3:55 am
My favourite Festival is Christmas

1.Why your favourite Festival is Christmas ?

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