sulphuric acid

2006-12-26 2:48 am
Is sulphuric acid a bleaching agent??? If yes, why???

thx a lot

回答 (3)

2006-12-26 6:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sulphuric acid當然唔係bleaching agent啦~
其實係 SO2 加入水後,出左SO3**,即係Sulphurous acid .

SO3** + H2O => SO4**+ 2H" +2e*

Bleaching Properties

SO3** + dye(colour) => SO4** + (dye - O /colourless)

但係e個reaction係不持久的(not permanent)
2006-12-26 6:10 am
Sulphuric acid is not a bleaching agent...
Sulphurous acid and sulphur dioxide are bleaching agents...
They are strong reducing agent...
The dye is reduced and become colourless...
2006-12-26 3:15 am
No, sulphuric acid is NOT a bleaching agent.

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