
2006-12-26 2:25 am
我想要五個有-ious 同-ion尾的字。
好像superstitious and superstitions, ambitious and ambition, cautious and caution, religious and religion, suspicious and suspicion, etc.
同來源 thx!

回答 (1)

2006-12-26 6:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
at the moment, i can only think of the following three, i'll try to find it out..
1) oblivious-oblivion
2) glorious-glorification
3) nutritious-nutrition

2006-12-25 22:38:24 補充:
4) infectious-infection

2006-12-25 22:52:17 補充:
5) rebellious-rebellionhope it's useful for you..

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