
2006-12-26 1:34 am
小金魚最近常常浮在水面(數weeks),有時見牠很吃力地從缸面游向缸底,但最終又無力也浮回水面,有時甚至反肚,牠的肚很漲,不知是否吃得太多?但近日(over 1 week)已餵很少糧,每天一次,約10秒便吃完,情況亦無明顯改善,有何方法/葯物醫治???

回答 (6)

2006-12-26 1:43 am
✔ 最佳答案

可能係冇氧氣,,,,,,,,我覺得果問題係.....此終魚魟既水d oxygen會好快用完........

你應該放幾條水草落去,...同比陽光佢,,等佢吸魚放出黎既CO2......跟住放d O出黎........然後條魚就可以吹吸.....

參考: 自己經驗
2006-12-28 1:46 am
I have some gold fish that have the similar situation with yours. It is not problem of oxygen, but the stomach of them.

But I think it is the problem of their stomach. At first, they can eat a lot, right? and they can eat the small pellets, right? Now, I just feed them with dried red worms, they became more healthy.

Well, of coz some of them cannot survive, um.... recently I have few fish died like the situation of your fish. But remember to feed them with something which is easily for them to swallow. It works a bit. And remember to feed them like this immediately. If not, your love fish will died.
參考: I have a similar experience.
2006-12-26 1:45 am
浮上水面係因為佢缺氧, 呼吸困難, 需要買個氣pump俾佢
2006-12-26 1:43 am
2006-12-26 1:40 am
唔係2餵一次糧ga 咩?
再唔係的see see the animal doctor...
參考: me
2006-12-26 1:38 am

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