請問有些人說 "Have a xxxx xxxx", 是什麼意思?

2006-12-26 12:05 am
我最近在看一些美國小說 其中有些人物會說
" Have a xxxx xxxx" (e.g Have a nice days)
是不是 祝你有個美好的 xxxxx 呢? 另外有一些不同的 "Have a" 的句子大約又有什麼意思?
其實這些句子在現實中 會在什麼情況下用到?
p.s 另外在本人上一個問題中的 thank 和 thanks 有s無s的分別也請冉幫忙一下
先在此 謝謝各位

回答 (2)

2006-12-26 1:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先,你打錯了,應是 Have a nice day. 個 day 萬萬不能加個 S。 之前有 a, 怎可加 S?

其實這句是日常打招呼 GREETINGS 常用的,等如 GOODBYE 說再見。我剛在一本級小學一年班的英文習作中見到。 如:

A: Good morning, XXX. How are you today?

B: Fine. Thank you. And you?

A. Good. Thank you.

B: Have a nice day.

還有,是公司招呼客人常用語。不過,用時要小心,有些地方會認為是不親切的表現。早日看了齣美國戲,有個人說 Have a nice day,但之前發生了不愉快的事,所以她說的時候是不是真的客氣和誠懇,而只是禮貌的表示道別。

Have a Nice Day is commonly spoken valediction, typically spoken by retail employees or clerks to customers after a sale, particularly in North America.
However in Britain, Canada or Australia it is sometimes regarded as an expression of insincerity; its use can annoy people.
It is associated with the smiley, a representation of smiling face.
It is also the title of several creative works.


這個 HAVE 文法上是 IMPERATIVE 命令式, 對像是 YOU 第二身,像所有命令式是用 PRESENT TENSE PLURAL,= YOU + VERB。但意思上 = WISH= I wish you a nice day. 但個 HAVE 是跟 IMPERATIVE 命令式, 對像是 YOU 第二身轉位。


Have a sandwich.

Have some tea.

Get up.

至於你另一題的 THANKS,則是另一回事,代我有空會再回答。

2007-01-07 17:18:56 補充:
HO, 我在另一題解答了,你無 CLICK 入我 A/C 看嗎?那題也是最佳回答。希望你是對事不對人。我不清楚的便不會答,最怕答錯老點人,因為發問者識就不會問,好多時答錯都當對。
2006-12-26 12:14 am
1.have + past participle
2.have = 有的意思
3.have = verb to be

p.s. thank / thanks
if you use "thank" as a verb, you may write the sentence is thank you very much while you may rewrite as a single word "thanks". This is also okay.....

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