怎樣應用psat perfect continuous tense

2006-12-25 8:25 pm
我明白present perfect continuous tense既用法,但不明白psat perfect continuous tense既用法,please列出例子後加以說明!!!

回答 (3)

2006-12-25 8:41 pm
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你想講past continuous tense嗎?
我從未聽過past perfect continuous tense..

例如: 你琴日食緊晚飯ge時候amy打電話俾你,你今日想講番琴日呢件事..你可以寫:

While I was eating dinner, Amy called me.

past continuous tense係用左講2件都係過去發生ge事,而simple past tense就只係講1件過去ge事。

如果2件過去ge事係同時發生,,就可以用past continuous tense啦..


o係過去ge 2件事之中,,佔長時間ge果件事(a period of time)就用past continuous tense(即係was/were + v.ing),,

另外一件突然發生ge事(sudden event),,有人打電話俾你,,就用simple past tense啦..
2008-08-10 12:46 am
絕對有psat perfect continuous tense!!!!!
2006-12-26 3:11 am
Past Perfect Continuous = (Past + Perfect + Continuous) Tense

had been verb + ing (present participle)


I had been playing football with my friends in the morning.

He had been waiting for his girlfriend for an hour yesterday.

The homework had been being finished by me. (Passive Voice)

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