
2006-12-25 7:12 pm
請亦都話埋我知 邊間有得讀accounting~~

回答 (4)

2006-12-25 7:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
HKU同中大有精算讀, 不過中大既精算要同保險同財務一齊學. HKU同中大精算係兩間大學收生成績好高既學系. HKU精算收生成績係全大學最高. 中大係頭5名.

Account方面, 港大、中大、科大、理大、城大、浸大、嶺大、樹仁都有會計讀. 如果講最好, 多數人會提起中大、科大、理大.

2006-12-25 11:43:21 補充:
理大都有精算讀, 不過係part-time degree.
2007-01-01 2:37 pm
For 精算, HKU, CU and UST have such degree. (CU: study with insurance and finance.)HKU: highest score in JUPAS. CUHK and UST is among top 5.

For Accounting, HKU, UST, CUHK, Poly U, CityU, Ling U, 樹仁have such degree~
Ppl said that CUHK, UST, Poly U are better.
In detail, CUHK is famous for students with excellent academic background.
UST is good at program design. U will learn more about accounting in this University.
PolyU was the best in the past. But the program design is already outdated!

So if u have a higher mark, then I think u can choose CUHK or UST as your choice.
參考: me~ Majoring in accounting
2006-12-25 7:22 pm
HKU, CU....都有得讀accounting
2006-12-25 7:20 pm
hku & cityu

2006-12-25 11:23:11 補充:
accounting = 全港所有大學都有辨呢科

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