Grade 6 中, SIGHT READ and AURAL. 點考架 ?

2006-12-25 6:22 am
1/ SIGHT READ and AURAL. 點考?
2/ 係咪只各考一題 ?
3/ 當中回答問題時要識講邊幾句英文 ? (唔想費錢請人譯) =_=

回答 (2)

2006-12-26 8:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
考sight reading
aural 都係有一題,但係分做part a、b、c、d,
part a 考兩聲部ge melody memory,
part B考 sight - singing (同sight-reading 差唔多,不過今次要唱個melody出黎)
part C考 cadences (你要答考官係 perfect 定係imperfect cadences,仲要講埋個樂句係major定係minor
part D 考music ge understanding (其實即係考你對唔同時期樂曲特徵ge 認識,通常响呢part就要用多d英文喇!)

參考: i am a music teacher and piano teacher
2006-12-25 7:57 pm
In grade 6:
Sight read is the examiner will give u a song, and he/she will give you a few minutes,
and you play.Aural has several parts, you may find it in the web site of ABRSM.
Sight reading is exam once.Aural hv to test several parts.
yes, you hv to know how to speak in English.

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