
2006-12-25 5:38 am
political should control pollution

In industries, we should reduce to use machine, because machine must discharge many junk air and pollute the planet. In order to reduce junk air pollution that Political should give a notice and bonus such as money to industries. Industries can use money to employ more employee. Industries not only can reduce to use machine but also reduce pollution slowly.

回答 (2)

2006-12-25 7:15 am
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political should control pollution
* I guess that you mean politicians here. Political is an adjective, and it usually means "involving politics."

In industries, we should reduce to use machine, because machine must discharge many junk air and pollute the planet.
* You may want to specify the industries that you are referring to. For example, are you targetting the service or tourist industries?
* You should say "reduce the use of machines" if you mean that people should use fewer machines or use them less often. "Reduce to" means the end state of a reduction and should be followed by a noun.
* Machines exhaust "waste gas," not "junk air." Air is a general term that refers to the mix of all kinds of gases around us. When you talk about a specific kind or specific kinds, you should use the term "gas."
* Second, not all machines exhaust gas. For example, those powered by electricity do not produce any gas since there is no combustion.

In order to reduce junk air pollution that Political should give a notice and bonus such as money to industries.
* Your sentence does not have a main verb because of the word "that." The phrase "that political ... industries" is a relative clause in the sentence. You should remove the word "that," and add a comma after the word pollution.
* The normal term is "air pollution" and it should be sufficient in your sentence.
* Politicans themselves do not give out money :) They can work with the Government to draft ordinances, regulations, or laws, which can then enacted by the Government. Governments usually gives out financial incentives, not bonus.
* Why should money be handed out without anything in return? And, which industries might you be referring to?

Industries can use money to employ more employee. Industries not only can reduce to use machine but also reduce pollution slowly.
* Having more employees does not mean that pollution will be reduced, right? Are you suggesting that instead of using machines, the manufacturers should revert back to hand-made products? How would this impact the cost of production, consistency in quality, and the ability to produce mass products?

I would recommend that you take a closer look at the situation and think of more practical means that can reduce pollution. Then based on those means, suggest how politicians could be involved to push forward in the legislature necessary proceedings that will eventually lead to reductions in pollution.
2006-12-25 6:38 am
1. grow more green plants..to refresh air

2. educate people to protect environment

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