first world war!!

2006-12-25 12:29 am
what impact did first world war make on europe?

回答 (1)

2006-12-25 12:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
The impact of the WWI :
1. Britain , France and USA sign the harsh treaty with Germany called " The treaty of Versailles " and it include disarmament and ceded a lot of lands to other countries which make Germany very angry and path the way of the outbreak of WWII .
2. Br , Fr , USA also sign treaty with other countries which make them very angry like Italy and it also path the way for WWII .
3. The USA wanted to have peace after the war and she decided to found the "The League of Nations" to keep peace when the war broke out . But it has not got its own army and navy so it cannot defend anyone when the WWII broke out.
4. War also bring a lot of destructions and deaths to the countries .
5. During the WWI , a communist regime is built up in Russia that led by Stalin and renamed USSR and all the other countries that supported Capitalist did not support Communism and path the way to the Cold War .

After the WWI , in 1929 , Great depression started by USA is spread to other countries rapidly and all the countries cannot repay the debts to USA and it led to the outbreak of WWII indirectly .

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 16:29:23
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