
2006-12-24 11:04 pm
我想問一問, 如果層樓係我阿爸的, 在以下情況下, 我可唔可以為層樓購買家居保險?

1. 與阿爸同住
2. 並不與阿爸同住

唔該唔該~ ^^

回答 (2)

2006-12-25 12:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
買家居保險係買指定物業地址內的財物/意外保障, 同妳並不與阿爸同住無關係, 妳是投保人, 物業持有人係妳阿爸, 好似妳出錢買一份禮物送俾阿爸, 禮物權益歸屬妳阿爸.
2006-12-26 10:17 am
It doesn't matter whether you live with ur dad or not, you can still buy the housing insurance for the appartment

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