English Errors Corrections(2)

2006-12-24 10:43 pm
There is ONE errorin each line.Find out the error and correct it.

Johnny is naughty boy.He always have a lot of strange idea
in his mind.He likes to play tricks from his classmates.His
classmates doesn't like him.They never play with him.
Judy is Johnny's sister.She is differet from Johnny.
She works hard in school.She loves helping teachers and
classmates.She have a lot of friends.

回答 (7)

2006-12-24 10:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1)Johnny is "a" naughty boy.He always have a lot of strange idea"S"
in his mind.He likes to play tricks "TO" his classmates.His
classmates "DON'T" like him.They never play with him.
Judy is Johnny's sister.She is "DIFFERENT" from Johnny.
She works hard in school.She loves "TO HELP" teachers and
classmates.She "HAS" a lot of friends.

2)One day,Judy could not find her housework in her schoolbag.
She asked Johnny,""DID" you take my exercise book?"
"No,I "DIDN'T","reply Johnny with a smile.Judy felt strange.
She opened Johnny's schoolbag.She "TOOK" out all his books.

3)Judy found "HER" exercise book in Johnny's schoolbag.She
was angry.She found "AN" ugly drawing on the cover of her book.
Guess!What did Johnny "DRAW"?

PS: 我盡力架la, 但有D我真係揾唔到
參考: myself
2006-12-25 12:15 am
line1:put an "a" after "is"
line2:"have" should be changed to "has"
line3:"from should" be changed to "on"
line4:"doesn't" should be changed to "don't"
line5: "differet" should be changed to "different"
line6:"in" should be changed to "at"
line7:"have" should be changed to "has"
line8:"house work" should be changed to "homework"
line9:"are" should be changed to "did"
line10:"don't"should be changed to "didn't"
line11:"reply" should be changed to "replied"
line12:"take" should be changed to "took"
line13:"our" should be changed to "her"
line14:"a" should be changed to "an"
line15:"drawing" should be changed to "draw"
參考: me!!
2006-12-24 11:54 pm
1.Article: Johnny is (a) naughty boy.
2.Tense: He always (has) a lot of strange idea in his mind.
3.Preposition: He likes to play tricks (on) his classmates.
4.Tense: His classmates (do not) like him.
5.Spelling: She is (different) from Johnny.
6.Tense: She (has) a lot of friends.

1.Spelling: One day, Judy could not find her (homework) in her schoolbag.
2.Tense: She asked Johnny,"(Did) you take my exercise book?"
3.Tenses: ”No,I (didn't)”(Johnny replied) with a smile.
4.Tense: She (took) out all his books.

1.3rd person sigular: Judy found her exercise book in Johnny's schoolbag.
2.Tense: What had Johnny drawn?
2006-12-24 11:02 pm
Johnny is ( a ) naughty boy.
He always ( has ) a lot of strange idea in his mind.
He likes to play tricks ( on ) his classmates.
His classmates ( don't ) like him.
They never ( played ) with him.
Judy is Johnny's sister. She is ( different ) from Johnny.
She works hard in school. She loves ( to help ) teachers and classmates.
She ( has ) a lot of friends.
One day, Judy could not find her ( homework ) in her schoolbag.
She asked Johnny, "( Did ) you take my exercise book?"
"No, I ( didn't ), " ( replied ) Johnny with a smile. Judy felt strange.
She opened Johnny,s schoolbag. She ( took ) out all his books.
Judy found ( her ) exercise book in Johnny,s schoolbag.
She was angry. She found ( an ) ugly drawing on the cover of her book.
Guess! What did Johnny ( draw )?
參考: me
2006-12-24 10:55 pm
Johnny is a naughty boy.He always have a lotof starge ideas in his mind.He likes to playstricks on his classmates.His classmates don't likes him.They never play with him.Judy is Johnny's sister.She is different from Johnny.She works hard in school.She loves to help teachers and classmates.She have a lots of friends.

I don't know it is correct or not!
2006-12-24 10:54 pm
Johnny is 'a' naughty boy. <-- 要加article
play tricks 'on' his classmates
classmates 'don't' like him. <-- 眾數
'different' from Johnny. <-- 串錯字
works hard 'at' school.
She 'has' a lot of friends. <-- he/she/it 用has

could not find her 'homework' <-- housework指家務, homework先係功課
She asked Johnny," 'Did' you take my exercise book?" <-- 過去式
"No,I 'din't'," <-- 回應"Did you xxx"
She "took" out all his books. <-- 過去式

Judy found 'her' exercise book
found 'an' ugly drawing
What did Johnnny 'draw'? <-- 動詞
2006-12-24 10:50 pm
1. have => has
2. from => on
3. doesn't => don't
4. differet => different
5. in (school) => at (school)
6. have => has

7. housework => homework
8. Are => Did
9. don't => didn't
10. take => took

11. our => their
12. a (ugly)=> an (ugly)
13. drawing => draw

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