
2006-12-24 9:49 pm
The most convenient way to travel_____Mongkok_______Shatin is_______the KCR.

sorry 是_______*****in


*****in =沙田!!

回答 (3)

2006-12-24 10:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The most convenient way to travel_____Mongkok_______*****in is_______the KCR.

The most convenient way to travel 'from'
Mongkok 'to'
Shatin is 'taking'
the KCR.

'from' a place 'to' another place
'take' a bus, 'take' a train, ' take a taxi

2006-12-24 14:02:45 補充:
咁多亂碼既?!我再打多次The most convenient way to travel from 旺角 to 沙田 is taking the KCR.from ... to ... = 由 ... 到 ...take + 交通工具e.g. take a bus, a taxi
參考: 自己
2006-12-24 11:52 pm
travel from Mongkok to Shatin is by the KCR
參考: myself
2006-12-24 10:00 pm
travel(from)Mongkok (to)*****in is (just) the KCR

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