(20分, 女入) 關於做model的問題

2006-12-24 9:08 pm
晚上在tst金馬倫道行過, 有一衣著端裝女人問我有無興趣試衫版, 是製衣公司 趕在明年一月初出新裝, 有唔同大少呎碼, 是大眾化衣服, 話我身型可代表某一尺碼去試衫, 讓designer作最後修改, 最後定好size就影試版相, 以前是用本頭公仔做fitting model(fm), 而家想搵真人, 最後比咗咭片我,最好現在我能立即上office度size, 是附近新商業大廈。
我跟上去,公司有一定規模,做了一些基本手續後, 有位女經理入來,詳細向我講解公司背景和做fm規矩,問我可兼職工作的時段、交通能否配合,做fm試衫及影相的時薪是多少,出現金,影相時有專業化裝和攝影服務,不用簽約。最後提出Fm有責任keep自己狀態,他們與另一美容纖體公司有協定,若要得到影fm相時的專業化裝服務,Fm要購買該美容公司之套餐,一買便是幾十次,這樣那美容公司便包該公司長時間影相化裝形象指導服務,若同意的話,便立即帶我到樓上談細節 。
我看因為要先付錢,感到事有QK, 所以離開,該經理沒有留難我。

回答 (2)

2006-12-24 9:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
做model個樣四四正正就ok啦~(靚d都有好處既)因為其實化妝可以掩飾好大既缺點,當然包括皮膚,甚至個樣都好以變化好大...豬扒都變靚女呀~(我講緊係studio makeup啦,比影沙龍更高質素既makeup啦)

不過要睇番你想做邊種model啦...如果影吓雜誌d代妝part-time model,就注意皮膚既護理,最好日日都用保濕mask,保持好既狀態,any time都可以影啦~

如果想做professional,除咗要讀course之外,每日要做d運動外,例如每日朝早做十五分鐘呼拉圈可減同keep腰既線條...食野方面可以西化少少,食cereal (殼物類)做早餐,食三文治做lunch,晚餐可以食pasta(意粉,通粉既統稱),仲要一日要飲至少五杯水...總之健康對身體同體型都有幫助既~

2006-12-26 11:45 am
this is fake model company!!
my friend also go to here and give than about 1XXX but no after la...........
but say need give money for facial package...........
thay need your money and they treat you a..........
if real model company , u no need to give any money for photo or any changer
I can tell u that 衣著端裝女人 before is in cwb
she told me they lose a size like me , because I am dating and only one person so I go away. after 5 min also a the other 衣著端裝女人tell me same question . do u believe that ? I feel so problem for themself , than I run out.
after three days , I go there wait for my bf . the woman who was smileing coming with me and say""they lose a size model like me ,their company is urgent, ad give me a name card.""but I remeber this is the same person what I saw before 3 days!!!!and the other 衣著端裝女人is come in and say lot of thing , I also run a way ..........
now they go to tst la ............
參考: my self real exp

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