
2006-12-24 8:46 pm

回答 (3)

2006-12-25 2:05 am
✔ 最佳答案

Institute Programs
Utah State University, USA 副學士學位
科羅拉多州立大學 (遙距課程)
Colorado State University, USA (distance learning) 電腦學碩士
University of Waterloo, Canada 文學士學位
Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada ((遙距課程) 地理、社會學文學士
University of Canberra, Australia 專業會計碩士
Royal Brisbane International College, Australia 商業文憑

副學士學位 (Reg. no.:260697)

Core courses
Biology and the Citizen Intermediate Writing: Research Writing

Calculus Techniques Introduction to Chemistry

Civilization: Creative Arts Introduction to Economic Institutions, History, and Principles

Civilization: Humanities

College Algebra Introduction to Writing

General Psychology Microcomputer Applications in Business

Elective courses
Accounting Essentials Introduction to Computer Science

Algorithms and Data Structure Introduction to Computer Science II

Business Communication Introduction to Economic Institutions, History, and Principles

Business Correspondence Introduction to Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

Business Statistics Introduction to Microeconomics

Calculus I Legal & Ethical Environment of Business

General Physics I Linear Algebra and Differential Equations

General Physics II Multivariable Calculus

Integrating Office Technology Spreadsheets and Databases for Business

International Economics for Business Survey of Accounting I

Introduction to Business Survey of Accounting II

Entry requirements:
HKCEE with passes in at least five subjects including English syllabus B or; British GCSE with passes in at least give subjects or; High school diploma/Grade 12 equivalent or; applicants with overseas academic qualifications will be considered individually.

Proficiency in English:
A minimum TOEFL score of 500 on the manual test or 173 on the computerized tests, or IELTS score of 5.0.

Advanced Standing/Transfer Credits:
Transfer credits will be considered only after all transcripts have been received and after a decision to admit has been made by the university. Credits may be granted up to 50 percent of the program.

學士學位 (Reg. no.:260913)

Business Communication Labor Market Policy

Business Ethics Learning and Applying HTML

Business Information Systems Macroeconomics for Managers

Comparative Economic Systems Managerial Economics

Corporate Finance Managing Organizations and People

History of Economic Thought Science, Technology, and Modern Society

International Economics for Business Survey of Accounting II

International Finance The Consumer and the Market

International Trade Policy The History of the American West

Introduction to Microeconomics World Regional Geography

Entry requirements:
Associate Degree holder or 60 credits obtained from other accredited institutions.
Proficiency in English:
A minimum TOEFL score of 500 on the manual test or 173 on the computerized tests, or IELTS score of 5.0.
Advanced Standing/Transfer Credits:
Transfer credits will be considered only after all transcripts have been received and after a decision to admit has been made by the university. Credits may be granted up to 50 percent of the program.

Cant see Nursing....
2010-08-16 10:24 pm

2006-12-25 8:11 am
香港專上教育學院冇nursing讀架,if 你想讀的話,你可以去報PolyU, 中大,HKU的degree course or私家醫院的護士課程,詳情可以向有開辦課程的醫院查詢.
參考: me

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 15:47:31
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