
2006-12-24 8:36 pm

Thank a lot :)


Thank all of u!

回答 (6)

2006-12-24 10:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
除左悠月, 其他幾個好明顯係用網上翻譯
網上翻譯係十分唔準確.. 一睇就知文法錯哂..
不過悠月都有少少文法問題.. 但係佢都好有心自己去翻譯

Time flies! This is already the second year we celebrate Christmas together, and I really hope that I can stay beside you every X'Mas. Even though sometimes you are not in Hong Kong, I do feel that you are always by my side; therefore, I promise I will treasre our relationship as well as cherish my beloved one - You!

2006-12-24 14:30:39 補充:
treasure, not treasre
參考: 自己
2006-12-24 11:02 pm
time passes by so fast, this is the second christmas i'm with you. i really hope that i can be with you on every christmas. although you may not be in hong kong but i still feel like you're right next to me! therefore i will treasure this relationship. i will treasure you.

2006-12-24 15:05:36 補充:
this is the second christmas i'm with you唔使用 this year, 因為聖誕一年一次﹐ 第二年當然第二個聖誕喇
2006-12-24 9:28 pm
How time flies ! This is the second time I share the Christmas with you. I really hope that you will be the one who always stays with me for every Christmas. Although you may not be in Hong Kong sometimes, I can feel you are there with me . So I will cherish you and our genuine love .
參考: myself
2006-12-24 8:57 pm
Time is it fasten quick, pass Christmas with you one year this year really to live! I am easy to hope to tide over with you every Christmas, though you may not be Hong Kong, I still experience your department by me! So I will treasure one section of emotions carefully, I will treasure you carefully!
2006-12-24 8:42 pm
The time really passes is good quick,This year is the second year with your Christmas!I good hoped each Christmas can cross with you,Although you are not necessarily Hong Kong,But I still felt you was the department side me!Therefore I can treasure the section sentiment well,I can treasure you well!

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