
2006-12-24 7:46 pm
我現在在SPACE讀韓文1, 大約會教到第15課. 本來想升上去, 但下季的Center令我十分為難, 其他又太貴, 平均要千幾一個月. 所以考慮緊自學.

其實文法自學方面我唔算太擔心, 因為我本身有日文1級, 同埋都上網訂左一些日韓文法書, 因為日本人學話解得好清楚. 我自己最擔心係讀音. SPACE的 Korean 1 都有教到一d 咩野 pat chim撞到咩野音要轉音. 但係係見一個教一個, 我最擔心係自學期間讀錯音.

請問有沒人知網頁有列出我最為難的問題 --- 咩野遇到咩野, 要讀成咩野既表 or 說明?


回答 (1)

2006-12-30 7:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
홍콩 한인 상공회 will enroll new students for Level 1, the class schedule is every saturday from 10:30 to 13:00, commence on 6 January 2007. Please enroll on or before 3 January 2007, by fax or tel or e-mail. Course fee($800/3mths + book$200for1yr) could hand to the teacher in the first class.

The Korean Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong
Rm 302,3/F, Blissful Building, 243-247 Des Voeux Road Central Hong Kong
Tel: 2544-1713, 2544-2791, 2544-6510 Fax: 2851-0437
E-mail: [email protected]

韓國人老師教 (算唔算廣告啊???我係學生, 讀咗半年)

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