(曬 ann) 英文點譯?

2006-12-24 7:41 pm
我想知 ' 曬 ' ' ann ' 英文點譯架?

回答 (2)

2006-12-24 7:47 pm
hey girl, feeling better now? dont be upsad anymore, take some rest, and forget about that bastard, if he will stay with you if he really loves you. he didnt even do anything when you were sick. skipping the phone

please cherish yourself since he is not.

and take care of yourself too. i dont know anything until Evenly calling.

also, skip the disco even you are unhappy, it is dangerous.

do you still remember what i told you before? can you reconsider that again?

that bastard is nothing compare with me, i got money and time for you, please pick me?

i know that you are in a bad mood now, but call me whenever you want.

i will always stand by your side
2006-12-24 7:45 pm
Do you mean the color of 青綠色? If so, it's called " cyan ".

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