
2006-12-24 9:39 am
途中我們拍了很多相 走到哪裡 拍到哪裡
未到聖誕節人已經那麼多 真不敢想像聖誕節當天應否出街了…
原來這個世界上還有了解我的人 十分感謝你們沒有離棄我!!

回答 (2)

2006-12-24 10:57 pm
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I went to see the illuminations with my friends in Tsim Sha Tsui.
I am really glad that we can still keep our friendship well.
途中我們拍了很多相 走到哪裡 拍到哪裡
We took a lot of pictures. Wherever we went, we could not stop taking photos.
未到聖誕節人已經那麼多 真不敢想像聖誕節當天應否出街了
There was already full of people even before Christmas. I can hardly decide if we should still go out on Christmas Day.
原來這個世界上還有了解我的人 十分感謝你們沒有離棄我!!
There is still someone like you who truly understands me.
I am really grateful that you all never leave me alone.
參考: 自己
2006-12-24 9:44 am
Goes to Jianshazui's with the friend to look together decorative lighting really very happy everybody still could each other maintain happy friendship on the way us to pat the heterogeneity to walk very much to where pats to where already that many really has not dared to the Christmas day person to imagine the Christmas day same day to should to go to town... In the original this world also has understood I the person extremely thank you to not to abandon me! !
參考: \(^_^)/

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