Why am I keep meeting the wrong people (men)?

2006-12-23 2:41 pm
I just turned 21 and I feel that I'm old cause I keep meeting older guys and when I say older guys I mean late 30's to early 40's. I really want to meet someone my own age. I was talking to a 28 year old but that didn't work out because he was acting like a young boy. What should I do? This is the only thing that has been on my mind lately.

Definately not interested in the other sex.

回答 (14)

2006-12-23 2:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Perhaps you should meet the right people (women)?
2006-12-23 2:48 pm
Well, you are "meeting" all kinds of people. What you really mean is, why do you keep "choosing" the wrong people to have relationships with. Right? This is something that some people have to go into some therapy to find out, especially when it's a young girl who keeps choosing an older man, or a married (or otherwise unavailable) man, or an abusive man. I've heard it said that if we have an unsatisfactory father/daughter relationship, that we subconsciously choose someone like our fathers (for whatever reason) in order to recreate and kind of work out that relationship. I know that's a bit weird, but I've seen many cases of it appearing to be true. It might not hurt to consider what your relationship with your dad is like, and if it's less than great, try to work it out directly with him and get it to an acceptable place. And then see if that affects the type of men you are drawn to. It can't hurt. Maybe you could look for someone who is your age but who exhibits the qualities you find attractive in an older man, whatever those are: stability, good job, nice dresser, etc. That might be harder to find, but it's worth looking.
2006-12-23 2:52 pm
Once you have tasted the maturity of an older man it's hard to return to boys. You have a dilemma. Good luck.
2006-12-23 2:50 pm
You keep meeting the "wrong men" because you are allowing yourself to. You will meet men your own age when you are ready--don't look so hard.
2006-12-23 2:49 pm
It's just that u are mature,and u don't want to mess with people your age.I assume that late 30's or early 40's are just right for u,why shouldn't they be??
2006-12-23 2:47 pm
if that is the case why do you say the 30's and 40's are the wrong people --- it could be they are ideal for you
2006-12-23 2:46 pm
Seriously, stop hanging out in the places where the older guys hang out. I'm sure you've got friends your own age, hang out with them. Let them introduce you to people they know.
2006-12-23 2:46 pm
It may be WHERE you are looking. If you want to meet someone your own age, then you need to be places where people your age hang out at. Since you just turned 21, I am guessing those places may be bars and clubs. But, if that's not your scene, then you could try coffee houses and bookstores close to a college or university.
2006-12-23 2:45 pm
are you trying to go to/be in places where men closer your age are?? perhaps a class or a sport etc?,,,,, be open, and friendly,, yet cautious, and im sure you will meet men of all ages,,,, just pick those you like,,,, more mature men are often just more confident and outgoing,, so yes you will notice they are interested,,,,,,,
2006-12-23 2:45 pm
maybe cuz that's what u r used to or u see that one quality in men that is constantly round u perhaps ure dad or 1st serious boyfriend otherwise u might be interesting in another sex
2006-12-23 2:43 pm
Ok try to get away from that department. Try to go to a club or something for your age people. Get out with your friends and have them introduce you to your friends.

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