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Totally support you! Every believer started as a non-believer. If people in ur church judge you, don't worry about them because Jesus teaches us not to judge. Let them do the talk because God knows exactly what they think and say as well as what u have gone through. So please don't feel bad. Just bring ur partner to church like the way people bring their non-Christian friends to church. I don't see why ur partner wouldn't be welcome.
Honestly, personality-wise, Christians are not necessarily better than non-Christians. (My bf is soooooo horrible... hahahahaha...) My bf and I are both Christians and I think it's a blessing because even though we fight a whole lot because we are so different in many ways, the one thing that hold us together is our faith in God. That's why it would be nice if our partners are also Christians even though it does not mean bad things would not happen.
Since ur partner is not one, then as a Christian, you should spread the gospel to the non-believer. I am sure u became a Christian for some good reasons and of course u would want to share that with ur significant other. I highly recommand u to pray WITH him. God will help u for sure. (maybe not in ur time frame but God will do the work) There's an auntie in my old church and her husband refused to be a Christian for 13 yrs. Every Sunday the uncle would just sit in the car outside and wait for auntie to finish whatever she was doing in church. However, one time the uncle listened to a sermon or sharing and all of the sudden he was willing to be a christian! Isn't that amazing? In God nothing is impossible. Plus, you have this opportunity to bring a lost soul to Christ! Yea~