
2006-12-24 5:43 am
最近我有個叫Free Talk的類似匯報的東西需要我去做,請給我一些關於Healthy的單詞或者句子可以用,我要小學六年班程度的,別太深奧。唔該!

回答 (1)

2006-12-24 7:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
healthy body
- food:
steamed food, don't eat too much fried food and oil, eat more vegetables (more fibre),
drink more water (8 cups a day), follow the guideline from the government: low fat, low
salt, low sugar, high fibre
- exercise:
regular exercise every week, running and swimming for strong heart and lungs, ball
games for limbs
- rest:
sleep enough (~7-8hrs) every day and regularly, rest your eyes after long period of
- cleaning:
have a bath and brush your teeth every day

healthy mind
- always be happy and look at things positively
- try to talk more to people like family members (parents) and friends (classmates),
tell them your worry and they may be able to help you
- read more and see more, to build up correct values

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