weigh down 英文一問

2006-12-24 5:04 am
many people weighed down with bags, and long line in front of department store

以上 weigh down 是不是解"秋住"D袋

回答 (5)

2006-12-24 6:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
weigh down = 背,拿重的東西。 另一個意思是比喻背重擔,壓力。但你個例子當然是指拿重東西。

Adj.1.weighed down - full of; bearing great weight; "trees heavy with fruit"; "vines weighed down with grapes"heavyfull - containing as much or as many as is possible or normal; "a full glass"; "a sky full of stars"; "a full life"; "the auditorium was full to overflowing"
2.weighed down - heavily burdened with work or cares; "bowed down with troubles"; "found himself loaded down with responsibilities"; "overburdened social workers"; "weighed down with cares"bowed down, loaded down, overburdenedburdened - bearing a heavy burden of work or difficulties or responsibilities; "she always felt burdened by the load of paper work"

the free dict

"vines weighed down with grapes" - heavy · Heavily burdened with work or cares "weighed down with cares" - bowed down, loaded down, overburdened. See also: burdened, full. Nearest ...
www.wordwebonline.com/en/WEIGHEDDOWN - 6k

2006-12-23 22:31:24 補充:
個重點是重,如果只是說拿東西是 CARRYING BAGS。

2006-12-24 22:27:04 補充:
weigh down 有重到墜下來的意思,如樹枝長滿生果墜下來。
2006-12-24 5:37 am
是, weigh down 是解秋住個袋。
2006-12-24 5:14 am
many people weighed down with bags, and long line in front of department store
呢句係解 = 許多人稱了下來與袋子, 並且長行在百貨商店前面。
所以以上 weigh down係有"秋住"D袋o既意思~
希望幫到你~ XD
參考: 字典
2006-12-24 5:11 am
2006-12-24 5:10 am
many people weighed down with bags, and long line in front of department store

以上 weigh down 應該解作放低

weighed down with bags

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