
2006-12-24 4:30 am
Which of the following is most likely to the hottest when the same amount of current(電流) is passed through them?

(1 mark)

A. a piece of short and thin copper wire
B. a piece of short and thin copper wire
C. a piece of long and thin iron wire
D. a piece of long and thick iron wire
答案係 c
不過我唔係好明個問題同答案 請解釋一下.

回答 (4)

2006-12-24 11:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
條wire熱唔熱其實睇幾個factor (current, electical resistivity, length or wire and the cross sectional area)
First,for other factor remain unchanged
current 愈大,電線愈熱, why?
(resistance阻力即,電子通過電線的比atom 阻著的阻力喇/撞擊的次數)

For the cross sectional area and other factor remain unchanged
so, 門口愈大,人通過就愈易,即cross sectional area愈大,電子同atoms的撞擊機會愈少
hence, 根據之前的解釋,電線相對發熱得小左

For the length of the wire and other factor remain unchanged

Then about the electical resistivity,
佢個大少個係depend on唔同的material
electical resistivity愈大,resistance 愈大, then 撞擊次數多左,相對熱d喇

Hence for your question
All wire is in the same current
the longer the wire ther greater the reistance
the larger the cross sectional area, the larger the resistance
and the electrical resitivity of iron is 1.0 × 10-7 Ωm
the the electrical resitivity of copper is 1.72 × 10-8 Ωm
that mean the electrical resitivity of iron is larger than that of copper

Hence, the short, thin iron is the ans

Add oil add oil
2006-12-24 4:46 am

resistance 愈大,條wire愈熱

∵ iron’s resistance is greater than that of copper
The longer the wire, the greater is the resistance
The thinner the wire, the greater is the resistance (不過唔知你有無學過)

所以 (c) 的答案中, resistance最大, 因此the hottest ~

hope that can solve your problem=)
參考: myself
2006-12-24 4:35 am
As the iron got a lower conductivity than copper, but a slightly higher heat capacity
so the iron can be hotter than the copper,
then as the thin iron wire can transform the electrcity to heat faster than the thick one
2006-12-24 4:35 am

2006-12-23 20:36:52 補充:

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