
2006-12-24 3:16 am
I want a prayer which pray for a teacher who is sick

about 40.words

Start with:
Dear God,
.................Let say our father.

回答 (2)

2006-12-28 11:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear God,
Today our teacher ms/mr (你老師個姓) is sick.
May you please bless our teacher ms/mr (你老師個姓) recover very soon.
Please also bless all of the students and staff to have good health in order to learn or teach well.
Let say our father.
Our Father in heaven.......Amen

如果太長就唔要「Please also bless all of the students and staff to have good health in order to learn or teach well.」呢句。

希望幫到你啦!! =]
參考: 自己。
2006-12-25 6:28 am
Dear god ,our father in heaven Today I will had an exam, Now I am very excited and scared. But I know you can help me to take these thing away, I take this exam to your hand. My god Let say our father.Amen.

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