
2006-12-24 2:14 am

回答 (3)

2006-12-25 4:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
對於你的問題, 可以就以下方法處理:
1) 你借的書, 仍存在嗎? 若在的話, 你還番便不用罰失書的錢.
2) 向圖書館職員求情 & 保證幾時可以還清, 若要求合埋, 圖書館職員會將協議, 黑紙白字紀錄下來, 若你違返協議, 他們便真的會檢控你, 所以快點去圖書館找助理館長/ 館長商討.
3) 不要找律政署, 他們只會告訴你有關的控告程序, 不會幫你解決問題的.
2006-12-24 2:58 am
I suggest you call the Department of Justice who sent you the letter and explain your situation. Most likely they will be understanding and as long as you are honest with them and not fool/ play around with them, they will agree alternative choice with you (maybe reduce the penalty or allow you to pay a certain amount every month until the penalty is paid in full).

You should not ignore the letter or be dishonest with them otherwise they can take you to court and not only will you need to pay the penalty but you may also have to pay for the court fees which is not cheap!!!! I strongly advise you to contact the person who sent you the letter. They usually include a phone number for you to call them.
2006-12-24 2:19 am

2006-12-23 18:19:24 補充:

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